MGI Worldwide is a leading international network of separate and independent accounting, legal and consulting firms that are licensed to use “MGI” or “member of MGI Worldwide” in connection with the provision of professional services to their clients. MGI Worldwide is the brand name referring to a group of members of MGI-CPAAI, a company limited by guarantee and registered in the Isle of Man with registration number 013238V, who choose to associate as a network as defined in IESBA and EU rules. MGI Worldwide itself is a non-practicing entity and does not provide professional services to clients. Services are provided by the member firms of MGI Worldwide. MGI Worldwide and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions.
If your business has co-owners, you probably need a buy-sell agreement
/in Tax/by KKB CPAsFor most business co-owners, the value of their business shares comprises a big percentage of their estates. Having a buy-sell agreement protects co-owners and their heirs and helps avoid hassles with the IRS. Continue Reading If your business has co-owners, you probably need a buy-sell agreement
Consider borrowing from your corporation but structure the deal carefully
/in Tax/by KKB CPAsClosely held corporation owners: If you need money for personal expenses like a new car or home improvements, consider borrowing from the business. But follow these tips to avoid adverse tax consequences. Continue Reading Consider borrowing from your corporation but structure the deal carefully
SECURE 2.0: Which provisions went into effect in 2024?
/in Tax/by KKB CPAsNow is the time to get up to speed on 2024 SECURE 2.0 changes. Here are several to consider. Continue Reading SECURE 2.0: Which provisions went into effect in 2024?